We will contract with you before the work starts and undertake to complete all elements within the costs outlined and in the timeframe committed to by both parties. Dates, duration, and venues will be agreed in advance. Please see our Code of Conduct for more details of our commitment.
We have a sliding scale for people working in the not-for-profit sector. People working in large, well-funded organisations, such as statutory sector and large charities will pay the standard charge. For smaller organisations and teams working in their communities there can be a reduced fee. Fees are increased each January. Please speak directly to us about this year's rates.
Apart from exceptional circumstances such as bereavement or sudden ill-health, sessions postponed by the client within 72 hours will incur 50% of costs. Sessions that are postponed within 24 hours will incur 100% of costs. If we find ourselves in exceptional circumstances, we will endeavour to reorganise or to get our colleague to complete the work.
We are financially reliant on our contract fees from clients, and therefore request payment of invoices within 14 days of the date of issue. Late payment may delay the start of our work together; payments delayed beyond 14 days may attract additional charges.
We keep confidentiality about our clients and the contents of our discussions with them. This is a key part of building trust and is at the very heart of the coaching relationship. There will be no feedback to senior managers or Board members. Session content is for the client to speak about if they wish.
We keep an electronic professional coaching activity log, recording our clients’ names and the dates and time spent in coaching. We may invite you in our first session to sign a GDPR form consenting to this, and we will happily respond to questions or concerns you may have about the handling of data.
Additionally, we may take client situations into our own supervision, so that we can learn from and improve our own practice. If this happens, similarly our supervisors provide absolute confidentiality – their focus is on our own process and learning.
In exceptional circumstances, where an ethical duty of care arises, such as safeguarding issues, we may have a responsibility to inform others. Should this ever arise we would inform you first before taking any action.
We occasionally make notes during sessions; and invariably do so afterwards. In our notes, sessions are titled only with the date and the client’s initials and do not include any identifying data such as the name of an organisation or an individual’s full names. In some cases these will be shared with the client. This can be discussed at the contracting stage.
We look forward to our work together, and to developing a productive relationship with you as Castle Crag clients.